EzContact Developer Guide


Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main (consisting of classes Main and MainApp) is in charge of the app launch and shut down.

  • At app launch, it initializes the other components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down, it shuts down the other components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

The bulk of the app's work is done by the following four components:

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the Logic.java interface and implements its functionality using the LogicManager.java class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component's being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in Ui.java

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, PersonListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays Person object residing in the Model.

Logic component

API : Logic.java

Here's a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component, taking execute("delete 1") API call as an example.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1` Command

The lifeline for DeleteCommandParser and DeleteCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it is passed to an AddressBookParser object which in turn creates a parser that matches the command (e.g., DeleteCommandParser) and uses it to parse the command.
  2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., DeleteCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to delete a person).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the AddressBookParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddCommand) which the AddressBookParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddCommandParser, DeleteCommandParser, ...) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.

Model component

API : Model.java

The Model component,

  • stores the address book data i.e., all Person objects (which are contained in a UniquePersonList object).
  • stores the currently 'selected' Person objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Person> that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)

Storage component

API : Storage.java

The Storage component,

  • can save both address book data and user preference data in JSON format, and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from both AddressBookStorage and UserPrefStorage, which means it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).
  • depends on some classes in the Model component (because the Storage component's job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model)

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Tag feature

This feature allows users to assign tags to / remove tags from customers in EzContact, making customers more recognizable to the users.


The activity diagram below shows the action sequence of updating the tags of a customer. Note that definition of not valid indexes/tags/tag set will be defined later in following sections.


Implementing Tag

Before implementing the actual command execution of tag, tags first needs to be stored in a Person object accordingly. Hence, a Person will now also be associated to any number of Tags.

Integrating a command for handling tag features into the overall execution logic

In order to integrate the command for handling tag features into the execution logic as described in LogicComponent, there are 3 main steps we need to implement:

  1. Modify AddressBookParser to recognise the tag command word and will create a TagCommandParser subsequently. (Modification required is trivial and hence not described in detail)
  2. Implement a TagCommandParser class that will parse the command arguments and construct a TagCommand accordingly.
  3. Implement a TagCommand class that will handle the main execution logic of the tag features and return a CommandResult accordingly.

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component when executing a tag command, taking execute("tag 1 at/tall dt/short at/handsome") API call to LogicManager as an example.

The lifeline for TagCommandParser and TagCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Implementing TagCommandParser

TagCommandParser plays the role of parsing command arguments into two information:

  • index indicating the index of the targeted customer in the displayed customer list, and
  • descriptor encapsulating tags to add to and/or delete from the targeted customer.

Both index and descriptor will then be used to construct a TagCommand.

Note that duplicate tags will be ignored (see Design Considerations for more information).

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions of TagCommandParser#parse(String arguments), taking parse(1 at/tall dt/short at/handsome) call to the TagCommandParser as an example.

Implementing TagCommand

The following class diagram illustrates how a TagCommand holds information required for its execution.

TagCommand plays the role of executing the main logic of the tag feature, it will:

  • Use information encapsulated in it to create the updated Person object accordingly.
  • Update the Model accordingly to reflect the changes.

Note that a TagCommand is non-executable if there are conflicting tags (i.e. there are common tags to add and delete).

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interations of TagCommand#execute(Model model), taking execute(m) call to the TagCommand as an example. Note that the reference frames have been omitted as the operations performed are trivial and low-level details.

Wrapping up the tag feature

As reaching this point, we have completed the implementation of the tag feature. The following section will discuss certain design considerations when implementing this feature.

Design considerations:

Aspect: Data structure to store tags in a Person object:
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Using Set<Tag>.
    • Pros: Easy to implement, enforces implicit uniqueness of each Tag in the Set<Tag>.
    • Cons: Tags are not ordered according to the time it is added.
  • Alternative 2 : Using List<Tag>.
    • Pros: Tags are ordered according to the time it is added.
    • Cons: Hard to implement, handling of duplicate Tag is more complicated.

Reasoning :
Alternative 1 was chosen over alternative 2 as the ordering of tags is considered not that important in the case of storing tags.

Aspect: Duplicate tags handling:
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Allow users to add/delete duplicate tags as long as not conflicting(i.e. not adding and deleting the same tag).
    • Pros: Users will not be blocked from their action if they accidentally entered a duplicate tag.
    • Cons: Users might not be warned that they have entered a duplicate tag.
  • Alternative 2 : Block users from adding/deleting duplicate tags
    • Pros: Easy to implement
    • Cons: Users might be blocked from their action because they forgot that they already entered such a tag.

Reasoning :
Alternative 1 was chosen over alternative 2 based on the following reasons:

  • Repeated action signals the users' strong intention of performing that action(e.g. wanting to add the same tag twice shows the importance of that tag).
  • The target audience is forgetful and careless, it is common for the users to enter duplicate tags without realising it, blocking such actions brings no value to the product.
Aspect: Deletion of non-existing tags:
  • Alternative 1(current choice): Simply ignore such deletions.
    • Pros: Users will not be blocked from their action(other tags will still be added/deleted) even though the command consists of such deletions.
    • Cons: Users will not be aware that the tag they are deleting from the customer does not exist, this may lead to certain misconceptions.
  • Alternative 2 : Block users from such deletions.
    • Pros: Easy to implement, users will be aware that the customer does not have the tag they are trying to delete.
    • Cons: User might be blocked from their action because they thought that the targeted customer does have the tag.

Alternative 1 was selected over alternative 2 because the primary reason for users deleting a specific tag is that they wish to prevent the tagged customer from having that tag. Therefore, whether the targeted customer initially possesses the tag is of lesser importance in this context.

Aspect: Addition of existing tags:

This aspect is similar to the above aspect regarding Deletion of non-existing tags, the current choice is to simply ignore such additions due to the same reason stated above.

Find feature

This find feature is designed to do partial search or prefix search on the customer list.


Sequence diagram below shows the interactions between Logic components when executing execute("find n/Song r/vegetarian")

Implementing XYZContainsKeywordsPredicate

XYZContainsKeywordsPredicate = AddressContainsKeywordsPredicate, NameContainsKeywordsPredicate etc

This class inherits from Predicate interface and determine how the find feature searches for the right customers. It tests each customer in the list with given keywords(search prompt given by users) in the following way:

  1. The attribute(name/address/...) will be tested over each keyword in the search prompt (e.g. "james bond" is broken down into "james" & "bond")

  2. The attribute(name/address/...) will also be tested word by word for every keyword in the prompt on these criteria:

    • If attribute fully matches all the keywords (e.g. "james bond" = "james bond"), it returns true
    • If attribute contains all the keywords (e.g. searches "james" in "james bond"), it returns true
    • If the keyword is prefix of the attribute (e.g. searches "ja" in "james bond), it returns true
    • else returns false
Implementing PersonContainsKeywordsPredicate

This class serves as the primary predicate for testing multiple conditions. It houses various predicates such as NameContainsKeywordsPredicate to check if specific criteria are met.

Implementing FindCommandParser

FindCommandParser processes the input following the 'find' command, parsing it into distinct predicates based on the provided prefixes. These predicates are then combined to create a PersonContainsKeywordsPredicate which is used by FincCommand

Implementing FindCommand

FindCommand is executed on the Model, it will update the Model accordingly to reflect the changes after the FindCommand completes its execution.

Design considerations:

Aspect: Overall design of predicate:
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Each attribute has their corresponding Predicate, PersonContainsKeywordsPredicate is responsible for testing them."
    • Pros: Code base be more modular.
    • Cons: Need to create quite amount of class.
  • Alternative 2 : Create a single predicate PersonContainsKeywordsPredicate which contains different methods to test different attributes against keywords.
    • Pros: Easier to implement, and the code is more straightforward to understand.
    • Cons: Harder to maintain the code when extending the search to include new attributes, as modifications to this class are required.

Reasoning :

Due to the Open-Closed Principle, we have opted for Alternative 1 to maintain modularity in our codebase.

Aspect: Implementation of XYZContainsKeywordsPredicate regarding prefix:
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice): Return customer when all keywords can be found as prefix in customer's name in arbitrary order.
    • Pros: Easy to implement, provides more flexibility to users for finding their customers.
    • Cons: Cannot differentiate Lam Jiu from Jiu Lam, a name can also match with multiple keywords (i.e. name song match with keywords song song).
  • Alternative 2 : Return customer when all keywords can be found as prefix in customer's name in order.
    • Pros: Can easily and accurately find a specified customer.
    • Cons: Harder to implement, less flexibility for the users to find the customer.
  • Alternative 3 : Returns customer when all keywords can be found as prefix in customer's name, where each prefix corresponds to a different word in name, i.e. name song cannot match with keywords song song.
    • Pros: More intuitive design.
    • Cons: Harder to implement, required a long algorithm to do so.

Reasoning :

In this case, we chose Alternative 1 over Alternative 2 because the find feature becomes less versatile when we enforce the rule that the name must match keywords in order. The consideration about our target users being forgetful affects our decision, where users might forget and input the name in the wrong order.

We also chose Alternative 1 over Alternative 3, although Alternative 3 provides a more accurate result, after doing some research on many contact book-like applications, we found that most applications do not enforce that each word of the name can only match with one keyword. In addition, Alternative 3 requires a more complicated algorithm.

Aspect: Implementation of test method:
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Convert keywords to Stream and use allMatch.
    • Pros: Easy to implement, code is clean.
    • Cons: Less flexible, e.g. cannot check the name matches the keywords in order.
  • Alternative 2 : Directly using the keywords as List<String> and using a for loop.
    • Pros: More flexible, can add more constraint on the test method.
    • Cons: Harder to implement, given many constraint, code becomes untidy.

Reasoning :

Alternative 1 is chosen over Alternative 2, because we want a slightly simpler design that does not need as much flexibility.

Insurance Feature

This feature allows users to assign / remove insurance package(s) to / from customers in EzContact to help users keep track of customers' insurances.

The activity diagram below shows the action sequence of updating insurances of a customer.


The implementation of the Insurance feature consists of few parts, distributed across different components :

  1. Insurance : stores the information about the insurance
  2. InsuranceCommand : executes the action to assign/remove insurance
  3. InsuranceCommandParser : parses the command to obtain required information

Implementing Insurance

Insurance plays the role of storing information about an insurance and to be displayed on the product, as a single unit. It holds only one information, insuranceName.

Implementing InsuranceCommand

InsuranceCommand executes its command on the Model, it will update the Model accordingly to reflect the changes made by the command on the Model.

Sequence diagram below shows the execution of InsuranceCommand.

Implementing InsuranceCommandParser

InsuranceCommandParser interprets the remaining input after the insurance command, and parses it into relevant information needed by InsuranceCommand, which are Index and UpdatedPersonInsuranceDescriptor.

  • Index indicates the customer on the list to perform action on.
  • UpdatedPersonInsruanceDescriptor holds the sets of insurances to add(insurancesToAdd) and delete(insurancesToDelete).

Sequence diagram below shows the execution of InsuranceCommandParser#parse(String arguments) with input (1 ai/car insurance\n di/health insurance)

Integrating InsuranceCommand and InsuranceCommandParser

In order to integrate them into current logic component, AddressBookParser has to be updated to recognise the command insurance and call parse(arguments) from InsuranceCommandParser.

From here, InsuranceCommandParser will extract out the relevant information and create the corresponding InsuranceCommand and the command will be executed by other Logic components.

Sequence diagram below shows the interactions between Logic components when executing execute("insurance 1 \nai/AIA di/Great Eastern)

Design Considerations:

Aspect: Storing of Insurance in Person
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : use Set<Insurance> to hold all Insurance instances in Person object
    • Pros: Able to handle duplicates gracefully and maintain the uniqueness of each insurance with Set<Insurance>
    • Cons: Chronological order of Insurance inserted is not maintained
  • Alternative 2: use List<Insurance> to hold all Insurance instances in Person object
    • Pros: Maintain the chronological order of Insurance inserted and sorting can be easily done on Insurance instances
    • Cons: Cannot ensure the uniqueness of each insurance and unable to handle duplicates in an efficient manner


Alternative 1 is chosen over Alternative 2 for its ability to handle the duplicates more efficiently. We believe that this ability is more important than the ability to sort the list in a more effective manner, as there are other workarounds that can be almost as efficient using Set<Insurances>.

Aspect: Handling duplicate Insurnace entries
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Allows the users to add / delete duplicate Insurance as long as no conflict exists (i.e. adding and deleting the same Insurance)
    • Pros: Ease of use for the users, as the users are not blocked for entering a duplicate
    • Cons: Users might not be aware of themselves entering duplicate Insurance
  • Alternative 2 : Blocks the users from performing the action and warn them about the duplicate Insurance
    • Pros: Easy to implement
    • Cons: Users will be clearly aware of their mistakes in entering duplicate Insurance


Alternative 1 is chosen over Alternative 2 because we believe doing so will provide users a smoother experience with our product. The reasoning comes from the users' intention of inserting the InsuranceCommand, that is wanting to assign an Insurance to a customer, so with entering duplicate Insurance, the users' goal is still achieved, thus we think that there is no need to purposely block the users for such action. With our handling of duplicate Insurance, no duplicate values will be added into the model with duplicate Insurance entries, and thus it will not cause any error.

Aspect: Deleting non-existing Insurance
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Allows the users to delete non-existing Insurance as long as no conflict exists (i.e. adding and deleting the same Insurance)
    • Pros: Ease of use for the users, as the users are not blocked for deleting non-existing Insurance
    • Cons: Users might not be aware of their mistakes
  • Alternative 2 : Blocks the users from performing the action and warn them about the mistake
    • Pros: Easy to implement
    • Cons: Users will be clearly aware of their mistakes


Alternative 1 is chosen over Alternative 2 because we believe doing so will provide users a smoother experience with our product. The reasoning comes from the users' intention of deleting an Insurance, that is wanting to remove that Insurance from the customer, so removing a non-existing Insurance does not defeat the purpose, thus we think that there is no need to purposely block the users for such action.

Appointment feature


The appointment feature supports 4 different types of commands:

  1. addappt
  2. deleteappt
  3. markappt
  4. unmarkappt

All 4 features extends from the abstract Command class, managing the details of an apppointment with a customer by editing the details of the Appointment and AppointmentCount class.

Implementing Appointment

This class is used to represent the appointment that each Person has, containing data:

  • date of the appointment in dd-MMM-yyyy format as a String
  • time of the appointment in HHmm format as a String
  • venue of the appointment as a String lesser than or equals to 30 characters.

By default, each Person has an empty default appointment.

Implementing AppointmentCommand

AppointmentCommand executes its command on the Model, updating the Model accordingly to reflect the changes made by the command on the Model. Note that an AppointmentCommand is non-executable if the index is not in range or the person has an existing appointment.

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions of AppointmentCommand#execute(Model model), taking execute(m) call to the AppointmentCommand as an example. Note that the reference frames have been omitted as the operations performed are trivial.

Implementing AppointmentCommandParser

AppointmentCommandParser plays the role of parsing command arguments into two or more fields:

  • index indicating the index of the targeted customer in the displayed customer list
  • date the date of the appointment
  • time the time of the appointment(optional)
  • venue the venue of the appointment(optional)

Both index and date minimally, will then be used to construct an AppointmentCommand.

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions of AppointmentCommandParser#parse(String arguments), taking parse(1 d/2025-12-12 t/12:55 v/Clementi Mall) call to the AppointmentCommandParser as an example.

Integrating AppointmentCommand and AppointmentCommandParser

AddressBookParser recognises the command addappt and calls parse(arguements) from AppointmentCommandParser.

AppointmentCommandParser will extract out the relevant information and create the corresponding AppointmentCommand which will be executed by other Logic components.

The sequence diagram below shows the interactions between Logic components when the user inputs the command addappt 1 d/2025-12-12 t/12:55 v/Clementi Mall.

Implementing Addappt

AppointmentCommandParser::parse() uses ParserUtil::parseDateString(), ParserUtil::parseTimeString() to check if date, time, venue follows the required formatting and the new Appointment object created by AppointmentCommandParser:parse().

AppointmentCommand::execute() checks if the current Appointment is an empty appointment and if true, executes the AppointmentCommand.

Implementing Deleteappt

Using a similar logic flow as addappt, it creates a new Appointment object with empty date, time and venue to replace the existing Appointment object. The new Appointment object is created in DeleteAppointmentCommandParser::parse().

Deleteappt prevents the deletion of an appointment if there is no existing appointment by checking if the current Appointment is different from the empty appointment and if true, executes the DeleteAppointmentCommand.

Implementing AppointmentCount

This class contains the number of marked appointments with a customer, stored as count, the number of completed appointments as an int.

Implementing Mark Appointment

Using a similar logic flow as addappt, it checks if the current Appointment is different from the empty appointment and if true, MarkAppointmentCommand::execute() will use AppointmentCount::incrementAppointmentCount() to increase the count by 1. The existing Appointment object will be replaced by a new empty Appointment object, created in MarkAppointmentCommandParser::parse().

Implementing Unmarkappt

Using a similar logic flow as addappt, it prevents the user from unmarking an appointment if there is an existing appointment by checking if the current Appointment is the same as the empty appointment and if true, UnmarkAppointmentCommand::execute() will use AppointmentCount::DecrementAppointmentCount() to decrease the count by 1.

Design Considerations:

Aspect: Implementation of Appointment feature
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Have the appointment features split into 4 sub-features.
    • Pros: Isolation of a single sub-feature to a specific command is more intuitive
    • Pros: Reduces coupling
    • Cons: More checks and testcases are needed
    • Cons: More classes added, resulting in a larger codebase
  • Alternative 2: Combine all sub-features into one appointment command.
    • Pros: Reduce the number of commands in the application making lesser to manage
    • Cons: There will be less abstraction, more coupling and more bug-prone: The same command class and parser class will handle all the four different features

Priority feature

This feature allows users to assign priority to a Person. The default priority of each Person is NONE, unless a priority is explicitly assigned to the Person.

The activity diagram below shows the sequence of actions when users assign a priority to a Person.


The Priority class

The class is used to store the priority level of a Person. The priority level can only be one of the values in the Level enumeration.

Each Person now has an additional attribute called priority. The Person class now has a reference to the Priority class.

Adding a new command word priority

To allow users to assign priorities, we added a new command word priority. The sequence diagram shows a series of actions in EzContact when a user inputs the command priority 1 high.

The lifeline for PriorityCommandParser and PriorityCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

The PriorityCommandParser class

The class is used to parse the string provided. It will return a PriorityCommand if the index and priority are valid.

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interaction between PriorityCommandParser and PriorityCommand when PriorityCommandParser#parse(String) is invoked.

Taking parse("1 high")as an example.

The sequence diagram below illustrates how the index and priority are parsed.

The PriorityCommand class

The class diagram below shows the main attributes and methods involved when assigning a priority to a Person.

The sequence diagram illustrates the execution of the PriorityCommand and how the Person is updated.

Design Consideration:

Aspect: Person without an explicitly assigned Priority.
  • Alternative 1 (Current Choice): Give each Person a default priority NONE.
    • Pros:
      • Enhances code readability.
      • Do not need to handle null cases which happens when Person has null priority.
    • Cons:
      • More complexity during testing, have to make sure that the default value does not affect the outcome of test cases.
  • Alternative 2: Keep the priority as null.
    • Pros:
      • Do not need to worry about the effect of default values on test cases.
    • Cons:
      • More null cases to handle.
Aspect: Choices of priority levels.
  • Alternative 1 (Current Choice): Fix the choices of priority level, namely HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW and NONE. (NONE is chosen when user removes or does not assign a priority).
    • Pros:
      • Simplicity, users do not have to create an extensive list of options for priority levels.
      • Ease of implementation.
    • Cons:
      • Reduced flexibility, users are now confined to limited choices of priority levels.
  • Alternative 2: Allow users to define their own priority levels.
    • Pros:
      • Flexibility, users can customise the product according to their needs.
    • Cons:
      • Hard to implement, need to handle dynamic or custom priority levels.

Remark feature


The action of assigning a remark is mainly facilitated by three classes: Remark, RemarkCommandParser and RemarkCommand.

The Remark class

This class represents a person's attribute, including a remark string with a maximum length of 150 characters. Every person created has this attribute, with the default value being an empty string, signifying no remark.

The RemarkCommandParser class

The class is used to parse the arguments into two information: index and remark and returns a RemarkCommand if the arguments are valid.

The sequence diagram below illustrates the interaction between RemarkCommandParser, RemarkCommand and Remark.

Taking parse("2 he likes pizza")as an example.

The RemarkCommand class

The class is responsible in executing the task parsed by the RemarkCommandParser. It will update the Remark of a Person and generate a CommandResult for the output. Below is the class diagram of the RemarkCommand class.

Design Consideration:

Aspect: Delete Remark
  • Alternative 1 (Current choice) : Using remark <index> without argument.
    • Pros: User-friendly, no need to remember an extra command.
    • Cons: User cannot store empty string as a remark
  • Alternative 2 : Implement a separate delete remark command.
    • Pros: Distinguishes between adding and deleting remarks.
    • Cons: Requires users to remember an additional command.


In real-life scenarios, storing empty strings as remark is unlikely, hence alternative 1 is preferred due to its user-friendliness.

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

Target user : Insurance agent

  • needs to provide services / insurance plans to customer
  • has a need to manage a significant number of customers
  • needs to remember customer's information
  • busy
  • needs to maintain interactions with his/her customers over a long time span
  • often forgets details about his/her customers
  • prefer desktop apps over other types
  • can type fast
  • prefers typing to mouse interactions
  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps

Value proposition:

Manage customers' contact for existing/potential insurance contracts faster than GUI driven apps, alongside helping users increase the chance of sealing deals with customers.

User stories

Priorities: High - * * *, Medium - * *, Low - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​
* * * user be able to add new contacts to EzContact keep track of my contacts using EzContact
* * * user be able to update my contacts' information easily easily maintain up-to-date information of my contacts
* * * user be able to search for specific contacts using their names quickly lookup a contact and get their information
* * * user be able to delete contacts
* * * user be able to list out my contacts in EzContact see all my saved contacts in one view
* * * insurance agent be able to add customers' contacts to EzContact reach out to existing and potential customers easily
* * * insurance agent be able to assign priorities to each customer prioritise customers that have a higher chance on sealing a deal
* * * insurance agent be able to view the type of insurance my customer currently holds check customers' insurance profile easily
* * * insurance agent be able to easily know customers subscribed under a specific insurance plan quickly know who to find when there are changes to a specific insurance plan
* * * insurance agent be able to apply descriptive tags to my customers easily identify and remember my customers using these tag
* * * insurance agent be able to add details of appointments with customers keep track of appointments with customers
* * * insurance agent be able to delete cancelled appointments with customers prevent confusion when arranging my schedule
* * * insurance agent be able to mark completed appointments with customers keep track of appointments completed with the customer to guage their potential interest
* * user be able to search for a contact using its other particulars(not necessarily names) be more flexible when searching for contacts
* * user be able to see my total numbers of contact entries in EzContact know how many contacts I have in EzContact
* * forgetful person be able to search for contacts using partial names find a contact without having to remember their full name
* * forgetful person have EzContact remind me of important task associated with certain contacts prevent myself from forgetting important tasks
* * forgetful person be able to add remarks to a certain contact be reminded of things to take note of when contacting a person
* * careless person be able to undo previous command recover from unintentional commands
* * careless person be stopped from adding duplicate entries avoid myself from adding redundant data
* * careless person be suggested by EzContact for similar names when I'm searching for a person avoid myself from typographical errors
* * first time user be able to know commands in EzContact play around with the features and get used to the application
* * fast typist have short commands execute commands faster
* user be able to import my data from external sources into EzContact avoid myself from having to copy my data manually
* user be able to export my data have a backup of data in case of data loss
* advanced user have multiple contact books neatly organize my contacts based on contexts

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the EzContact and the Actor is the User, unless specified otherwise)

Adding a customer

Use Case: UC01 - add a customer

 1. User provides the details of a customer to be added.
 2. EzContact displays the details of the customer added by User.
 Use case ends.

 1a. Details provided by User is incomplete or invalid.
  1a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert User.
  Use case ends.

 1b. Customer to be added is already in the EzContact.
  1b1. EzContact displays an error message to alert User.
  Use case ends.

Filtering customers

Use case: UC02 - filter customers

 1. User chooses to filter customers.
 2. User selectively adds one/multiple category parameters to filter the customers for.
 3. EzContact displays the list of customers that meet the criteria.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User doesn't select any categories to filter for.
  2a1. EzContact displays the entire list of customers.
  Use case ends.

 3a. None of the contacts meet the filter criteria.
  3a1. EzContact shows an empty list with a warning message.
  Use case ends.

Deleting a customer

Use Case: UC03 - delete a customer

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User provides the index of customer to be deleted.
 3. EzContact displays the details of the removed customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provides invalid index.
  2a1. EzContact shows an error message to alert User.
  Use case ends.

Editing a customer

Use Case: UC04 - edit a customer's details

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User provides information to the customer with its respective index.
 3. EzContact displays the details of the edited customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provides invalid index or information.
  2a1. EzContact shows an error message to alert User.
  Use case ends.

Searching for a customer

Use Case: UC05 - search for a customer


 1. User searches with a prompt.
 2. EzContact shows a list of customers matching the prompt.
 3. User views the customers' information.
 Use case ends.

 1a. User searches with an invalid prompt format
  1a1. EzContact shows an error message to User.
  Use case ends.

 2a. There is no customer that match the prompt.
  2a1. EzContact shows an empty list.
  Use case ends.

Assigning priority to customer

Use Case: UC06 - assign priority to a customer


 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User provides priority to the customer with its respective index.
 3. EzContact displays the new priority of customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provides invalid index or priority.
  2a1. EzContact shows an error message to alert User about the invalid command.
  Use case ends.

Assigning insurance to customer

Use Case: UC07 - assign insurance to a customer


 1. User requests the list of customers by filtering customers(UCO2).
 2. User assigns insurance to the customer with its respective index.
 3. EzContact displays the new insurance of customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provides invalid index or information.
  2a1. EzContact shows an error message to alert User about the invalid command.
  Use case ends.

Removing insurance from customer

Use Case: UC08 - remove insurance from a customer


 1. User requests the list of customers by filtering customers(UCO2).
 2. User removes insurance from the customer with its respective index.
 3. EzContact displays the new insurance of customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provides invalid index or information.
  2a1. EzContact shows an error message to alert User about the invalid command.
  Use case ends.

Updating tags of a customer

Use Case: UC09 - update tags of a customer

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User provides index of the targeted customer in the displayed list.
 3. User provides information of tags to add to and/or delete from the targeted customer.
 4. EzContact displays the details of the updated customer to the User.
 Use case ends.

 1a. Requested list is empty.
  Use case ends.

 2a. User provided invalid index.
  2a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

 3a. User provided invalid information of tags.
  3a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

 3b. User provided information of tags that will not update the targeted customer.
  3b1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

Updating remark of a customer

Use Case: UC10 - update remark of a customer

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User enters index and remark of the target customer.
 3. EzContact updates the remark of specified customer accordingly.
 4. EzContact displays the details of the updated customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provided invalid index or information.
  2a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

 2b. User provided remark that will not update the specified customer.
  2b1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

Updating appointment of a customer

Use Case: UC11 - add an appointment to a customer

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User enters index and appointment details(date, time, venue) of the target customer.
 3. EzContact adds the appointment to the specified customer accordingly.
 4. EzContact displays the updated appointment details of the customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provided invalid index.
  2a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

 2b. User provided invalid appointment input parameters.
  2b1. EzContact shows an error message of the input constraints.
  Use case ends.

 2c. An appointment has already been scheduled.
  2c1. EzContact shows an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

Updating appointment of a customer

Use Case: UC12 - delete a customer's appointment

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User enters index of the target customer.
 3. EzContact deletes the appointment of the specified customer accordingly.
 4. EzContact displays the updated empty appointment details of the customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provided invalid index.
  2a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

 2b. There is no existing appointment to delete.
  2b1. EzContact shows an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

Use Case: UC13 - mark a customer's appointment

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User enters index of the target customer.
 3. EzContact marks the appointment of the specified customer accordingly.
 4. EzContact displays the updated appointment details of the customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provided invalid index.
  2a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

 2b. There is no existing appointment to mark.
  2c1. EzContact shows an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

Use Case: UC14 - unmark a customer's appointment

 1. User requests a list of customers by filtering customers(UC02).
 2. User enters index of the target customer.
 3. EzContact unmarks the appointment of the specified customer accordingly.
 4. EzContact displays the updated appointment details of the customer.
 Use case ends.

 2a. User provided invalid index.
  2a1. EzContact displays an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

 2b. There is an existing appointment.
  2b1. EzContact shows an error message to alert the User.
  Use case ends.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 customer without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  4. The user interface should be intuitive, easy to navigate and understand (i.e. concise and simple)
  5. The application should gracefully handle errors to prevent system crashes and data corruption.
  6. The application should be offered as a free service to the public.
  7. The application should be able to respond within one second.
  8. The application should be able to handle and support manual edits to the data file, erroneous data files should not crash the application.


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X
  • Private contact detail: A contact detail that is not meant to be shared with others
  • Command word: The first word of a user command(e.g. tag is the command word of the command tag 1 at/tall dt/short)
  • Command arguments: The remaining input of a user command(e.g. 1 at/tall dt/short is the command arguments of the command tag 1 at/tall dt/short)

Appendix: Planned Enhancements

This section covers the enhancements we plan to implement in the future.

Enhancement 1 : Deletion of all tags in a single command

Feature flaw:
As a customer might have many tags, and they could potentially want to remove all the tags in one command, they would have to type out all the tags separately in order to achieve that.

Proposed enhancement:
We provide a convenient way for users to delete all the tags in one command by adding an optional parameter to the command. The updated command format would be as follows:
tag <index> [at/<tags to add>]... [dt/<tags to add>]... [dat/deleteall].


  • As deleting all the tags is a destructive action, we require users to specify the dat/ prefix to indicate their interest in deleting all tags, and deleteall value to the prefix to serve as a confirmation of this destructive command.

Updated behaviours (original behaviours of tag still hold):

  • When a dat/ prefix is supplied, there should not be any at/ or dt/ prefix supplied in the same command, if there is, a format error message will be shown to the user.
  • If the value provided to parameter dat/ is not deleteall, show an error message to users, indicating that they should supply the deleteall value to dat/ in order to confirm the deletion.


  • tag 1 dat/deleteall
    Expected: All the tags of customer at index 1 is deleted, a successfully deleted all tags message is shown to user.

  • tag 1 at/tall dat/deleteall
    Expected: Error, an error message showing the usage of tag command is shown to the user.

  • tag 1 dat/delete
    Expected: Error, an error message informing the user that they should input deleteall to confirm the deletion of all tags is shown to the user.

Enhancement 2: Edit appointment details

Feature flaw:
Users will not be able to easily update or modify appointment details if there are any changes or mistakes. If the appointment meeting location changes, or the scheduled time needs adjustment—without the ability to edit, users would have to delete and create a new appointment, potentially leading to confusion and decreased efficiency.

Proposed enhancement:
We provide a convenient way for users to edit the appointment details, date, time and venue, in a edit appointment command.The updated command format would be as follows:
editappt <index> [d/<date>] [t/time] [v/venue]


  • As we need the details of the new appointment to be changed, at least one of the optional fields must be present.

Updated behaviours (original behaviours of appointment still hold):

  • If the proposed appointment details entered in editappt are the same as the current appointment, there will be a error message to the user that there is no change.


  • editappt 1 d/2026-12-16
    Expected: Edits the date of the first customer's appointment in the displayed list to be 16 Dec 2026, if it is different at first.

  • editappt 1
    Expected: Error, an error message informing the user to provide at least 1 appointment detail field to be changed.

Enhancement 3: Unmark appointment recovers appointment details

Feature flaw:
After marking an appointment, the appointment details gets removed. However, after unmarking the appointment, the appointment details do not come back. This might cause the user to need to manually create the appointment meeting again, which can be a hassle, decreasing efficiency.

Proposed enhancement:
The unmark appointment unmarkappt will not only decrement the appointments completed counter by 1, but also restore the "marked" appointment details.

Updated behaviours (original behaviours of appointment still hold):

  • Can be undone by marking the appointment again.


  • unmarkappt 1
    Expected: Decrements the customer's appointment completed counter by 1, and restores the customer's appointment details to the previous marked appointment details.

Enhancement 4: Inserting clear pops out a confirmation window

Feature flaw:
After the user inputs the clear command, the customer list is cleared immediately. In some situations where the user just type clear in accident, the consequence is undesirable.

Proposed enhancement:
Pop a confirmation window for users to confirm once again if the user indeed wants to clear the customer list.

Enhancement 5: find multiple tags and insurances

Feature flaw:
The current implementation employs a single prefix for multiple keywords in the find feature, such as find i/Health Auto. This approach, however, lacks the ability to distinguish between distinct sets of keywords, leading to potential ambiguity. For instance, it becomes challenging to differentiate whether the keywords correspond to a combination like Health Auto or separate entities like Health Insurance and Auto Coverage.

Proposed enhancement:
To address this limitation, it is recommended to enable the use of multiple identical prefixes for individual keywords. For instance, the enhanced syntax could be find i/Health i/Auto. This modification allows the find feature to accommodate duplicate prefixes for both find and tag operations, thereby providing a more precise and unambiguous search capability.


  • The problem we've spotted isn't just about insurance searches; it also affects tag searches.
  • This problem only arises with tags and insurances since these are only two attribute allowed multiple instances.


  • find i/abc i/apple
    Expected: Identifies customers with two insurance entities whose names match the keywords abc and apple respectively. For instance, if there are customer with insurances named abc insurance and apple insurance, they would be included in the results.
  • find i/abc apple
    Expected: Locates customers with an insurance entity whose name corresponds to the combined keyword abc apple, such as abc apple insurance.

The enhanced feature ensures accurate and targeted search results.

Enhancement 6: Increase flexibility of value input for phone number

Feature flaw:
In add and edit command, when entering <phone number> under p/, it takes in the 8 digits (Singaporean number) with no spaces or - (e.g. 12345678). However, it does not allow other common formats for Singaporean number that includes space and - (e.g. 1234-5678, 1234 5678), which can be a hassle to users for not being allowed to so.

Proposed enhancement:
Allow <phone number> with format of 1234 5678 and 1234-5678

Updated behaviours (original behaviour of /p still holds):

  • <phone number> can now take the format of 1234-5678 and 1234 5678 and display the information in EzContact


  • edit 1 p/1234-5678 Expected: Update the <phone number> of customer at index 1 to 1234-5678
  • edit 1 p/1234 5678 Expected: Update the <phone number> of customer at index 1 to 1234 5678

Enhancement 7: Improve criteria for duplicate customer

Feature flaw:
Currently, duplicated customer is defined as customers that have either identical <email> or <phone number>, given that each customer should have their respective contact details. However, this does not take into consideration that some customers might not have email (e.g. elderly) and would have others to handle their incoming emails.

Proposed enhancement:
Modify the implementation on checking for duplicate customer such that it accepts identical <email> exist in EzContact, and update the error message to This phone number already exists in the contact book instead of the original duplicate customer message to give users more accurate feedback on what went wrong.

The purpose of EzContact is to help our users (i.e. insurance agent) to manage contacts of customers that he needs to approach / interact with thus the most important value our product has to offer, is to keep track of and contact customers effectively. Thus, we need to make sure that each customer is contactable, leading to us enforcing the uniqueness of <phone number>. <email> is allowed to have duplicates because it is possible and common for people to share <email>(especially elderly who have no email). <name> is also allowed because it is common to have identical name. These restrictions give the users maximum flexibility and functionality while still ensuring that each customer is contactable.

Updated behaviours:

  • Adding customers with existing <phone number> are not allowed, error will be thrown indicating that the <phone number> already exists
  • Adding customers where values of their fields (except p/) already exist in the contact book are allowed.


  • add n/joshua p/12345678 e/abc@gmail.com, add n/james p/78945612 /abc@gmail.com Expected : Add james successfully into the contact book with no error
  • add n/joshua p/12345678 e/abc@gmail.com, add n/james p/12345678 /defg@gmail.com Expected : Error message is thrown indicating that the 12345678 already exist in the contact book

Enhancement 8: Delete all insurances with one command

Feature flaw:
With current implementation, when a customer has multiple insurances assigned to he/she, deleting all insurances requires the user to list out all the insurances with di/ prefix in our insurance command, which is inconvenient

Proposed enhancement:
Add a new optional prefix dai/ and parameter deleteall for insurance command to indicate deleting all insurances, the new command takes the format of
insurance <index> [ai/<insurance to add>]... [di/<insurance to delete>]... [dai/deleteall]

Given that dai/ will remove all the insurances of the customer at once, we require users to do a confirmation by specifying deleteall for dai/ to ensure that the user execute this command intentionally.

Updated behaviours (Original behaviour of insurance still holds) :

  • When dai/ is supplied, ai/ and di/ are not allowed. Format error will appear if either prefixes are used
  • When dai/ is supplied, if the value supplied to it is not deleteall, an error message will be thrown, indicating that deleteall has to be supplied to confirm the deletion


  • insurance 2 dai/deleteall Expected : All insurances of customer at index 2 are removed
  • insurance 2 dai/deleteall ai/AIA di/cars Expected : Error message is thrown, showing the usage of insurance
  • insurance 2 dai/dvsdv Expected : Error message is thrown, telling users that deleteall has to be supplied to confirm deletion.

Appendix: Effort

This section gives an overview of the challenges, we as a team faced and the effort we have put in to make this project work.

Enhanced Logic Component * * *

With the implementation of various new features in EzContact, the logic component who’s responsible for the parsing and handling of our commands have to go through various modifications and enhancements to fulfill the needs of these features. The new logic component needs to be more flexible regarding its constraint on the user input and also need to accommodate the newly defined commands by us for the new features


The enhancement can be broken down into a few parts:

  • ArgumentTokenizer
  • CommandParser & AddressBookParser
  • Command
  1. Implementation and logics of ArgumentTokenizer has to be understood thoroughly before putting our hands on the codebase. Along the way, we have had multiple discussions on the choice of prefixes and restriction to put on the prefix input. Upon finalizing the prefixes and constraints, work is split among members and each take up some part to work on.
  2. For CommandParser and AddressBookParser, we each implement the parser associated with the features we are implementing. We also integrate our parsers with AddressBookParser as it parses the command word and determines the CommandParser to use for remaining of the command.
  3. Commands are also implemented separately according to the features we are assigned to implement. We ensure that our implementation does not break the Liskov Substitution Principle since all commands we implemented inherited the Commmand class. We also ensure that our implementation integrates well with each other and does not break others' functionality.
    All changes were done in small increments, in addition with testing using the newly written test cases. After finishing respective parts, we also perform cross-checking on each other's implementation to ensure no bugs or flaws exist in our product. Some changes were made after the rigorous testing as we found some feature flaws that can be further improved.

Result :

Our new logic component now accommodates multiple new features that drastically improve users experience and previous features are also refined to provide users more flexibility and functionality.

Enhanced UI * *

The UI first has to be redesigned from the perspective of the purpose it serves. We have to ensure that all usages have to be accounted in the new UI to ensure that users will always have a clear view of what's going on.


We first redesign the structure of our UI to fit the new features in a sensible and user-friendly way. We tried out different layouts and ways to present our data, and finalize on the current design, where the customer's information are displayed as Customer Card. After ensuring the functionality is covered by UI, we move on to changing the colour scheme of our product. After many trial and error, and requesting feedbacks from our friends, we have decided to use the current pastel green colour scheme.

Result :

A newly designed UI for EzContact and improved UI component with increased usability.

Enhanced Storage * * *

Given the newly introduced attributes in EzContact, the storage component is required to accommodate these new data when creating the save file.


Given that our saving system is implemented using Jackson (JSON package), we first have to understand how the package works and how it is integrated into our system. For each new attribute, we have created the corresponding JSON-friendly data class to handle these data during saving. These classes handle the conversion between application-used and JSON-compatible data during loading and saving. These classes are integrated to the existing storage component carefully to ensure that we do not break the existing system. The original storage component is also refined and fixed of all discovered bugs.

Result :

A refined storage component that is able to handle all new attributes safely and correctly.

Enhanced Model * *

To accommodate the new features and attributes, the model component now has to handle these new commands and process these new attributes.


New classes are created to represent and abstract these data to a higher level for easy manipulation. These classes are then integrated into the Person class as it is the over-arching class represents the customer. New methods are also added to model component to perform the execution specified by the different commands. We are implementing the respective classes corresponding to the features we are responsible for. The implementations are done in small increment and are tested along the way.

Result :

A comprehensive model that holds and operates on our customer data according to the command given by logic component.

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Feature to show


Prerequisite : [condition needed to be fulfilled to perform the action if applicable]

  1. Test case : value
    Expected : result
  2. ...

{ more test cases …​ }

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Adding a customer

Adding a customer to the contact book

Prerequisites: -

  1. Test case: add n/Joshua p/1234-5678 e/opqr@gmail.com
    Expected: Customer of name Joshua with the above details is added

  2. Test case: add n/Joshua p/1234-5678 e/opqr@gmail.com a/1A Kent Ridge Rd t/morning person
    Expected: Customer of name Joshua with the above details is added

  3. Test case: add n/Joshua
    Expected: No customer is added. Error message is thrown indicating that compulsory field p/ and e/ are missing

  4. Test case: add n/Joshua p/acaf e/abcdeg@gmail.com
    Expected: No customer is added. Error message is thrown indicating that <phone number> format is incorrect

  5. Test case: add
    Expected: No customer is added. Error message is thrown indicating format for add command is wrong

Deleting a customer

Deleting a customer while all customers are being shown

Prerequisites: List all customers using the list command. Multiple customers in the list.

  1. Test case: delete 1
    Expected: First customer is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted customer shown in the status message.

  2. Test case: delete 0
    Expected: No customer is deleted. Error details shown in the status message. Customer list remains the same.

  3. Other incorrect delete commands to try: delete, delete x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
    Expected: No customer is deleted. Error details shown in the status message. Customer list remains the same.

Updating tags of a customer

Updating the tags of a specific customer

Prerequisite : -

  1. Test case : tag 1 at/tall at/fat dt/short dt/skinny
    Expected : The tags assigned to the customer at index 1 will be updated accordingly(adds tall and fat tag, deletes short and skinny tag).

  2. Test case : tag 0 at/tall
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message(format error since the index is not a positive integer).

  3. Test case : tag 1
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message(format error since no tag to update is provided).

  4. Test case: tag 1 at/tall dt/tall
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message(conflicting tags).

  5. Test case: tag 1 dt/dsajdkl, the tag to delete does not exist in cutomer 1
    Expected: Error, details shown in the status message(customer not updated).

Update insurance of a customer

Updating the insurances of a customer

Prerequisite : -

  1. Test case : insurance 2 ai/AIA ai/cars di/health di/ABC
    Expected : Customer is updated, health and ABC insurance are removed and AIA and cars insurance are added

  2. Test case : insurance 0 ai/AIA ai/cars di/health di/ABC ``
    Expected : Customer is not updated. Error details shown in the status message (format error since the index is not a positive integer).

  3. Test case : insur 3 ai/EFG ai/JFK
    Expected : Customer is not updated. Error details shown in the status message (Incorrect command word).

  4. Test case : insurance 4 ai/ABC di/ABC
    Expected : Customer is not updated. Error details shown in the status message (conflicting changes).

  5. Test case : insurance 1
    Expected : No customer is updated. Error details shown in the status message(format error since no insurances to update is provided).

Find customers

Find customers

Prerequisite : -

  1. Test case : find n/
    Expected : Show all customers in the list, because every customer must has a name.

  2. Test case : find n/a
    Expected : Show all customers has a as a prefix in their name.

  3. Test case : find i/ABC t/male
    Expected : Show all customers has ABC matches with their insurances and has male matches with their tags.

  4. Test case : find 123
    Expected : Customer list not updated. Error details shown in the status message (format error, one prefix must be provided).

Update remark of a customer

Updating the remark of a customer

Prerequisite : -

  1. Test case : remark 2 he don't like pizza
    Expected : Customer is updated. Customer's remark update to he don't like pizza.

  2. Test case : remark 2 ``
    Expected : Customer is updated. Customer's remark is deleted.

  3. Test case : remark
    Expected : Customer is not updated. Error details shown in the status message (No index provided).

Updating priority of a customer

Updating the priority of a specific customer

Prerequisite : -

  1. Test case : priority 1 low
    Expected : Priority of customer at index 1 is updated to low.

  2. Test case : priority 1 low, old priority of customer at index 1 is also low
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message (person is not changed).

  3. Test case : priority 0
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message (format error since the index is not a positive integer).

  4. Test case : priority 1
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message (format error since no priority is provided).

  5. Test case: priority 1 -
    Expected : Priority of customer at index 1 is removed (and set to NONE), no priority label is shown in the Ui.

Updating appointment of a customer

Updating the appointment of a specific customer

Prerequisite : -

  1. Test case : addappt 1 d/2025-12-12
    Expected : Appointment of customer at index 1 is updated to 12 Dec 2025 with empty time and venue.

  2. Test case : addappt 1 d/2025-12-12, customer at index 1 has existing appointment
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message(appointment is not added).

  3. Test case : deleteappt 1, customer at index 1 has existing appointment
    Expected : Appointment of customer at index 1 is deleted, updated to become an empty appointment.

  4. Test case : deleteappt 1, customer at index 1 does not have an existing appointment
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message(no appointment).

  5. Test case : markappt 1, customer at index 1 has an existing appointment
    Expected : Appointment of customer at index 1 is deleted, updated to become an empty appointment, and the appointments completed counter is incremented by 1.

  6. Test case : markappt 1, customer at index 1 does not have an existing appointment
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message(No appointment exists to be marked).

  7. Test case : markappt 1, customer at index 1 does not have existing appointment
    Expected : Appointments completed counter of customer at index 1 is deceremented by 1.

  8. Test case : umarkappt 1, customer at index 1 has an existing appointment
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message(cannot be undone if no completed appointment).

Editing a customer

Editing the information of a specific customer

Prerequisite : -

  1. Test case : edit 1 n/John
    Expected : Name of customer at index 1 is updated to John.

  2. Test case : edit 0
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message (format error since the index is not a positive integer).

  3. Test case : edit 1
    Expected : Error, details shown in the status message (format error since no information is provided).

  4. Test case: edit 1 pr/high
    Expected : Error, details shown in status message (priority is not allowed to be edited using the edit command).